Preservation Consulting

42nd Street Development Project New York, NY
Li · Saltzman Architects provides preservation consulting services to owners of historic properties and to fellow professionals working on projects involving landmarks and State and National Register eligible or listed properties. Familiarity with regulatory requirements for preservation on local, state, and federal levels allows LSA to provide guidance in developing designs appropriate for historic properties and in shepherding the project through regulatory processes. As architects and preservationists, LSA understands that the appropriate and timely integration of design with the regulatory processes is often critical to the success of projects involving historic properties. Preservation Consulting services include:
Liaison with NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
Liaison with State Historic Preservation Offices
Regulatory Review
National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106
NYS Historic Preservation Act, Section 14.09
NYS Department of Transportation, Section 4(f)
Special Permit under Section 74-711 of the NYC Zoning Resolution
NYC Landmark Preservation Commission Public Hearings
Potential Use of State and Federal Historic Tax Credits