Oatlands Historic House & Gardens
Loudoun County, VA
Photo Credit: Trix Rosen
Oatlands Plantation, a 360-acre historic site in Loudoun County, Virginia, is a National Historic Landmark, and a National Trust historic site. The property is also listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places.
Li · Saltzman Architects served as Consultants to the National Trust for Historic Preservation for the preservation and rehabilitation of the historic Carter Barn Complex including its Icehouse, Milking Parlor, courtyard, and fieldstone walls. Li · Saltzman’s approach focused on a team-based multi-disciplinary analysis of the buildings and site, involving architects, engineers, archaeologists, conservators, landscape architects, historians, surveyors, LEED consultants, exhibit designers and cost estimators. Particular attention was paid to the careful conservation of extant building fabric, and the seamless integration of mechanical systems and green building technologies with historic preservation values. The project established a sensitive balance between respect for the character-defining features of the site, the historical narrative, and the client’s budget and programmatic and interpretive goals.
Designation: National Historic Landmark, National Register of Historic Places, Virginia State Register of Historic Places