"A New Rental Building in Brooklyn Replaces a Parking Lot"
LSA is please to announce that Michael Middleton, RA, has been promoted to Principal!
National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New York has Won The Cast Stone Institute's 2024 Cast Stone Manufacturing Award
TSX Broadway: "Lifting" the Profession through Design & Collaboration
National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of New York has won the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA)'s McKim, Mead & White Award
Meisha Hunter participated in the First Annual General Meeting and Scientific Symposium of the International Scientific Committee on Water and Heritage in Pune, India.
Treasures of New York: Tenement Museum
The Literature of Classical Architecture: An Introduction
Meisha Hunter is honored at ICE Awards Ceremony
"Water Infrastructural Heritage: Management and Governance"
Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew receives Victorian Society New York's Preservation Award
"Awards of Excellence in Historic Preservation" (Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew)
Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew Receives Lucy G. Moses Award
Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew receives Excellence in Preservation Award
The Literature of Classical Architecture: An Introduction
Old Stone, New Anchors
"Politics and Aesthetics of Ripristino: A Select Study of the Preservation Work of Antonio Muñoz in Rome"
"Silent and Unseen: Stewardship of Water Infrastructural Heritage"
"Adaptive Use of Small-Scale, Civic Infrastructural Heritage"
LSA's Mike Hertl Volunteers with Mission of Morrow Church
Shifting Paradigms in the Preservation and Adaptive Use of Theaters
Designing Times Square
"Catalyzing Small Scale Adaptive Use: The 119th Street Gatehouse"
"Old Croton Aqueduct"
Bakas Pilipinas Exhibit: UN Forum on Sustainable Development
International Symposium on the Seismic Retrofit of Unreinforced Masonry Heritage Churches of the Philipines
"Culture and Heritage Encounters - The Boix House"
Silent and Unseen: Historic Water Infrastructure in the Face of Sea Level Rise
Preservation Challenges/Opportunities
  Preserving the Metropolis Conference  Association for Preservation Technology New York, 2013  Meisha Hunter Burkett
"Historic Water Infrastructure"
"The Croton Aqueduct’s Fountains: Preservation, Conservation and Significance"
   City Secrets: Rome    (Revised edition)  Fang Duff Kahn New York, 2011  Meisha Hunter Burkett (contributor)
"Stewardship and Sustainability of Historic Waterworks Infrastructure"
"Serbatoio di Gianicolo"
"Historic Infrastructure Panel"
42nd Street Development Project
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